Friday, July 23, 2010

how did we ever live without internet or cable

We're back on! We moved two weeks ago into our new house and have had trouble since then. First Verizon kept changing the FIOS installation without telling us, then our AC isn't working. But we have internet now, though we still have AC trouble. The warranty company sent 3 different companies all finding something different but yet no one could fix the upstairs AC. It's blowing warm air and the kids sweat like little piggies at night.

The moving is almost over, we just have little bits to go that I try to get every time I drive to kids to school. Big M is still in the same preschool and he will be there until he starts Kindergarten. The twins started in a new school this Monday, less than a mile from our house. They love it. Little M continues to develop. He is doing mini push ups, turns himself around and flips from tummy to back. He laughs, giggles and now hates it when he sees me pass by him.

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