Monday, December 30, 2013

Endoscopy #2 and Colonoscopy

Little had his 2nd endoscopy a couple of days ago and colonoscopy. After a failed attempt a week and a half ago, it finally happened successfully. We did not do the magnesium citrate route this time around, and opted for Miralax and a slower approached (one extra day). It worked out so much better. He didn't even notice what he was drinking. As always, it was tough to deny him food though.

There was a marked difference in my attitude toward these procedures. I was not worried on the drive over; I was much more relaxed. We came a little early so we had to keep each other company. This time, the attending anesthesiologist was a pediatric one and she remembered Little M from his first endoscopy. She said, "I remember you! You were the very good little boy!" As was the case before, everyone was impressed how good he takes his needles. The one nurse I left him with the first time in order to eat quickly was there, and she too remembered Little M. He remembers her as the nurse who played cars with him and that always lost. 

I accompanied Little M to the OR and only left when he was given Propofol to fall asleep. The endoscopy alone lasted about 15-20 the first time so I was expecting at least that amount of time. Our GI told me that the time for the colonoscopy would depend on if and how many polyps he finds because he would have to remove them. 

I was keeping an eye on my watch closely, and at 25 minutes later I saw my brave little guy being wheeled out. Imagine my surprise and I knew exactly what it meant. It meant that there wasn't much found! The anesthesiologist told me that everything looked good on her end, but she was going to have to let the GI talk to me, but that it looked good.

Little M was brought to the PACU (because he was young) in order to recover. It took him longer to wake up this time around. The GI told me that his esophagus looked good and that we are at baseline for his eosinophilic esophagitis and that his colon was clean - no polyps. He apologized that we needed to do the colonoscopy based on his consult with the expert when the other doctor told him that the polyp found in small intestine was juvenile polyp, but at least now we know he doesn't have it. Thank you, GOD!  We have to continue dealing with the EOE but at least we have no 2nd problem to worry about.

We won't know his eosinophilic white blood cell counts from the biopsies until our follow up visit and at that time the GI said we have a lot to talk about. Having researched Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Daddy and I already know what we want to do. We are going ahead with food trials based on food avoidance of the top 6-8 food allergies. We have come this far to leave Little M with a "patch" solution. He can eat whatever wants with the current medication but it is not a long term answer. We need to do our best to identify what his body is rejecting in order to avoid whatever it is/they are. Based on others who are going through this terrible disease, we will find many hiccups but we have to remain positive. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

pre-k class concert

Little M's class had a mini concert for the holidays as their Christmas party. They sang a few songs. Little M was a little wiggly and pulled his hat down his whole face. Thankfully one of the teachers came and fixed it. On this video, you hear "Hey!" loudly. That's my boy.

Christmas presents

Big M got Daddy Monopoly Empire.

Little M puts together his airplane.

K plays with Doc McStuffin and other dolls.

K's Crayola toy. I happen to like this one. It's not just for kids. :)

Big M's Lego helicopter. 
J tries the sewing kit we got her. 

Big M's AT-TE. The boy did not go crazy with Lego in his wish list this year.

more christmas eve choir


The first mass for Christmas was 4pm on Christmas Eve. We were supposed to be there 30 minutes before in order for the choir to have a quick practice. I thought that was enough time to get seats, but apparently most everyone thought the same because by the time we got to church people were already standing. We ended up separated but thankfully, the girls were able to sit in the choir area.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Children's Choir

J and K have joined our church's children's choir that began in mid-October. They practice for just a few minutes right before our mass starts so it's completely no pressure for the kids. This is the Christmas  Eve mass. We are a very proud!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Life hasn't slowed down one bit so this is the best we can manage. So for all our friends and family from near and far. We love you!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ten and a half inches of snow fun

We had our first big snow storm this weekend and the kids were besides themselves to play on that white magic. Daddy was also excited to use his new toy.

The kids treat the snow as if it's not cold and wet. But I guess if you're wearing snow pants everything is ok. 

Big M was so very enthusiastic about helping clean out the cars. He is such a big help.

Daddy with his new toy. Bring on the snow! Notice the roof. That's bound to come down some time.

The kids started playing in the back to dig out their play house. 

Everyone was begging to go to the park to go sledding. But Mommy and Daddy had no energy left after being out in this stuff for 2 hours. Thankfully they were amused by the custom slide they made in the deck using the steps.

The snow was so powdery we couldn't make a decent snow man, or a slide. So they slid down the drive way.

Friday, December 13, 2013

endoscopy and colonoscopy that didn't happen

The day started early with a nebulizer treatment of budesonide and albuterol. An hour later the fight began to get him to drink 2 oz of magnesium citrate. And yes, it was a fight. After of half an our of struggling and going nowhere, I prayed it was ok to just skip it and headed 2-hours south to the hospital.

The road was long, Little M was busy with his movie and I was left to stew on my own fear and worries. Tears, panic, ugly thoughts, horrible thoughts came and went.

Little M was prepped, I was asked a million questions. He was brave with the IV, but it was just not meant to be. The anesthesiologist didn't feel that proceeding with the colonoscopy and endoscopy was the right thing to do because of his cold and asthma. I covered my bases and said I mentioned this 2 days ago to the doctor's nurse and we were told it was ok. But ultimately, the person was a nurse and not an anesthesiologist. Everyone was apologetic and disappointed especially upon hearing that we drove from Albany.

I was ok. I'm tired, starved, but not as starved as Little M who hadn't eaten anything but juices since yesterday morning. I am thankful because I think this happened for a good reason. Everything happens for a reason and I will leave it at that. God has a reason. Until next time.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

class breakfast and 1st grade paper

Miss K's class had a breakfast for the parents where each student read their first paper. Little M and I made it and listened eagerly. K wrote about the excitement about her 6th birthday where she described the party, presents and a surprise visit from her Nana & Papaw. We loved it! 

Only Love Today

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

sewing for my twins

I made these 2 monkeys peasant tunics and asked them to pose. They shall be models when they grow up.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A little snow, a lot of fun

We only got about 2 inches but that didn't stop the them from having fun. And it is obvious why the school requires snow pants in school no matter how lite snow there is.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Holey smile

Nothing happened for a long time after K lost her 3 bottom teeth. But then #3, #4, #5 came out in a week and a half. We are pretty sure the tooth fairy is now broke. Oh and yeah, we can't take K seriously now.

Early present to me

From me...I've wanted to make this pattern for since it got cold but t had to take a backseat to sewing leggings and anything cold-friendly. But finally I made this scarf neck cardigan by Swoon. I really like it and so I am making another one. :) J asked me to make her one but will have to go under the many many things I have to make and do.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Our long weekend began yesterday since the kids thanksgiving break started yesterday. Since the kids are not allowed to watch TV during the weekday, it slipped their mind that they really could because there is no school. I wasn't going to remind them of the fact especially since they played board games almost the whole day.
We started with pictionary. Even Little M was quite an artist.

The Twister game didn't last very long. The mat on the wood floor was quite tricky.

Then Big M taught K how to play chess.

In the evening, Fedex dropped off surprise goodies from my mother. The kids feasted on pretzel logs, which they gobbled up, and down caramel apples. 

Then we went to see some fireworks and some free donuts and hot cider. Our kids were quite excited about the fireworks.

Then today, Daddy joined the kids in a game of monopoly. His young but adorable accountant ran with his money and left him bankrupt. 

We enjoyed our Thanksgiving feast very much. The kids made the menu with me days ago and Daddy was on grocery duty. I cooked some food last night, to turkey today and will cook more tomorrow. I thought it would make more sense for us to prolong our feasting so that we can eat more of what was served instead of having a ton of left overs all at once. It think it turned out well.

Inspite of the some of the difficult health issues out family is faced with recently, we have much to be thankful for. At the end of the day, my family is what I am thankful for. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Handy Daddy

In the midst of football season, Daddy started building the loft bed he designed for Big M during those rare weekends we didn't have to take any kid anywhere. He had made great progress but now the cold weather is here. Big M can't wait!

The spirit of giving

We filled 4 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child and everyone had fun doing it. Little M needed some reminders though that we could not play with the toys we or because they are for his friends far away who didn't have toys.

Big M wrote a letter and included our address. Hopefully he gets a letter on return. Due to the devastation of the typhoon in the Phillipines he is hoping out boxes go there. We had tracking on our boxes so we shall find out soon enough where they went.

Friday, November 22, 2013

School turkey trot

Last year I didn't let them participate on the turkey trot and I never heard the end of it. So this is their first year. There were lots of parents cheering everyone on.

The girls ran, walked ran. Big M did the same. You would never know by the way he ran that less than a month ago he was training 10hrs a week for football and currently training 5 hrs a week with 1-2 games for soccer. I think he must be reserving his energy.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, turbinate reduction

J had her surgery in September, a week after school started. She missed 1 week of school and then 1 week of no PE.

After checking in the hospital, she was set up with the TV which meant she was pretty much hypnotized. Since we have instituted no TV during weekdays, the TV had more of a power over them once it is turned on.

The hospital staff gave her toy a name badge as well which made her feel less nervous. She even brought it with her to the OR.

In the recovery room, the nurse was so proud of J for gobbling up her Popsicle. She was upset that her vision was blurry but the nice nurse talked her though it.

J spent over night for observation because of her sleep apnea. She did well during the day and kept eating cold stuff. The tech was so wonderful (more helpful than the nurse). At night once J feel asleep, her oxygen monitor beeped over and over because she stopped breathing. The nurse was not concerned since J seemed to wake herself up every time to correct her breathing. 

The next day I told that to the doctor and she made sure to tell me that he would not give her prescription pain killer because of it because it will only slow her breathing. The nurse wasng concerned and probably didn't even report it to the doctor but it turns out to be very important.

Everyone visited late that day. I think they were all a little shocked to see J in this settif even though we told them what she was there for. J was pretty much exhausted at this point and couldn't talk.

J'a class wrote her get well cards which was so touching. Her teacher is just wonderful and thoughtful to get her clas to do it. J loved the cards.

By mid morning the next day, J broken down and asked to go home. She said she was tired of the hospital. It broke my heart to hear her say it, but there is just nothing compared to being with loved ones and being in your own space when you are unsure if things.

She did get discharged by lunch time. Her recovery was quite smooth. I woke her up for her Tylenol and Ibuprofen but 2 days later she was irritated by it. She didn't understand why she had to keep taking it so another day and I finally stopped giving it to her. Three nights after she came home her breathing while asleep was remakable. She had no more snoring.