One of hubby's nephew loves to fish and has actually taken Big M to fish in NC. So they came with fishing poles and equipment. We took them to a pond 5 minutes away from home to fish. It was under a bridge where I had seen people fish many times. The spot worked well since the bridge provided a shade. The girls and Little M got to chase some ducks. The boys caught a couple of small fish.
Everyone had fun that the next day we wanted to take everyone to a lake 30 minutes away. I thought the girls might enjoy fishing too, so their Papaw bought them their very own fishing poles: K got the pink princess pole, and J got the purple Dora pole. They practiced casting and reeling in the living room.
K on the left, J on the right.
We stopped by a Bass Pro shop to get fishing licenses. While the adults were doing that, Cousin B took the 3 kiddos to the fish pond right outside the building to marvel and feed the huge goldfish. Daddy and I decided to go ahead and buy a 1 year fishing license. Papaw brought a couple of his fishing poles so even I had one. :)
After getting to the lake we had to find a fishing spot. Of course everyone else had gotten the nice spots, I guess, so we had to drive a bit to find a place. We decided on a spot. A rocky spot. The girls got set up to fish and got scared so we packed up and went to look for another one. There was a shady area where the girls (and Daddy) rested on. The sun beating down and the over 100 degree weather zapped everyone's energy.
Only Cousin B caught any fish. The people beside us caught a 35 lb catfish which got us all excited but alas I guess all the fish went home after the mama fish was caught. Cousin B caught a good sized catfish and a few small ones. Then a friendly neighbor gave us another good sized catfish. Someone someone decided (NOT ME) that we bring home the fish we eat. I mentioned that I knew how to clean fish so it was left up to me. Can I say though that catfish is one UGLY fish! Here's the rule from now on though, CATCH and RELEASE ONLY! But I think my elders in the Philippines would be proud of me. I even remembered the trick for making fish not taste or smell so fishy.
Big M was excited about the fish and said that would be his dinner. And so it was. For a picky boy who takes on after his Daddy, I was impressed. The girls chanted "I don't want fish, Mama!" all the way home.
So finally after we couldn't take the heat anymore we drove home. K and Big M were instantly catatonic back there.