Thursday, August 18, 2011

Barnum 200

On the last evening that the circus was going to be in the Dallas area, Daddy reminded me that the 3 older kids had been asking to go to the circus since they first heard it was in town a couple of months ago. We've been so busy this summer that we just couldn't fit it in the schedule. So here it is, minus Daddy and Little M. We didn't think Little M would be calm enough to endure the entire show and Daddy wasn't brave enough to take all 3. So here I am with my 3 monkeys. Brave, huh?

So I bought the tickets the night before, and it totaled $130 without any discounts. Big M did get a free voucher ticket but unfortunately it was only valid on a weekday. But being the savvy mommy that I am, I found some promo codes online and reduced our tickets to $60!! I decided not to tell them where we were going though until we got to the entrance arena where they were selling the program (for $12!!)

At the arena entrance right after Big M figured out what we were going to see. Look at that big smile! (K is in pink, J is in blue.)

This is the all access pre-show right at the floor. Big M volunteered when they asked for one. It was a lot of fun.

All 3 were in awe of the circus which was priceless! J kept saying, "whoa! How did they do that!" It was most fortunate that we got our tickets at a bargain price because it was highway robbery inside.
Here's what I spent:

  • $12 - 1 program
  • $12 - cotton candy with souvenir hat
  • $36 - 3 snow cones with souvenir cups
  • $9 - 3 hot dogs
  • $6 - 2 bottled water
  • $3 - popcorn
We bought the snow cones at the end of the snow which meant they had to eat it before we could go back to the car. Apparently, when the who is over, they want you out of the building. Pronto. They shooed us away from the lobby area, so we went to the bathroom so I could get them to potty before we headed home. But even then we took too long and was shooed away from there. They needed to get ready for the next show.

Overall, it was a fun experience. This was a first for all of them and I enjoyed watching them ooh and ahh and everything.

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